Monday, August 18, 2008

Where did summer go?

I can't believe there is only two more weeks until school starts. I work as an assistant in an elementary school. I wasn't going to go back this year because we were going (I thought) to be traveling to China around the beginning of Sept. NOT!!! So I will start back and put in for my leave when I hear something more. Hopefully it will be soon.
David starts football practice today so he says his summer is over. They do work them hard but I am a huge football fan so I love it. He is going to China with us so he may have to miss a game or two, but maybe not.
My husband and I just made reservations to go camping again this Saturday for 5 days. We originally thought we wouldn't because we thought it would be close to the time we were leaving. Again, NOT!!! So we are going to get away for a few days I can't wait although I did check and the campground does have Wi Fi so I can still check my emails!!!!
So maybe this will be the week and I will post if I hear anything.

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