Thursday, August 14, 2008

Another year older!

What a wonderful birthday. The only thing that could have made it better would have been to receive my LOA. But that's OK it will come soon. It is all part of a bigger plan that I have no control over. I am trying so hard to accept that. Another family that I have become friendly with online DID receive their LOA today and for that I am grateful. I am honored that it happened on my birthday and I am thrilled for them. And as disappointed as I am it feels good to be happy for someone else. This is what this adoption community does, it brings out the best in everyone. Our time will come.
I had a great day at camp. We have a cookout on the last Thursday of camp which was today. It was a beautiful summer day. All the kids sang Happy Birthday and the staff had made cupcakes. Also they gave me a gift bag with all little things for Sierra in it.(including 2 Mets onesies) I was so touched. I have really enjoyed doing camp this summer. Summer camp always reaffirms to me why I love working with kids. It is so different than working in a school. I also love working with my highschool counselors. They are awesome young adults and I know they will all be successful. And Linda my Assistant is a great friend. We have done it together for about 5 years. This summer she brought her 5 month old daughter Jamie to camp. What a cutie. I am in love. She is the best baby. She just smiled and cooed to us all summer long. I loved watching her older brother Nick with her. You can tell how much he loves and will protect his little sister. Thank you Linda for sharing her with all of us.
My husband always makes this a special day for me. He gave me a beautiful card and in it included the words "We will soon have our little girl" I cried when I read it. He is so excited I can hardly stand the wait for him either. Sierra will be his first child and he will be an awesome father!!
As you can see it wasn't a bad day at all!! Thanks to everyone!!

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